This is a true story, happened about 15 years ago ... where my aunt is also suffering from this strange disease. At that time my aunt was busy cleaning the yard in front of his house, gardening and cleaning the existing sampah2 ground with his hand. A few days later tiba2 it felt itchy in his left hand ... and the next day his palm like a blister and mottled. Initially my aunt just think this common skin disease that will eventually heal itself. But from month to month but blistering skin is getting more from the hands slowly toward the elbow, shoulder, and finally up to the cheek.

Finally the next day he brought chicken eggs and write some Arabic writing on the eggs and some other goods and materials. He rubbed the egg it on your palm to shoulder my aunt repeatedly, sekali2 he threw it to the floor of the eggs when thrown .. But strangely, the egg is not broken ... it just berguling2 floor. Then taken away from the floor and rubbed back into the hands of my aunt, so continue until the eggs become clay, no empty its contents. So it turns out the contents of the egg is broken and scorched singed but not burned.
Then what happened? From the palm of my aunt appeared 3 points, then when diurut2 out 3 pieces shaped like a strange animal creep out of the hole.
Odd shape, have claws on her head and her body is shaped like a caterpillar. Then Pak Bambang rubbing his hands blistered to kulit2 from cheek to her palm. Cringg ... in a heartbeat, skin blistering of the skin without a trace like new flawless, whereas before the grotesque blisters and berlubang2. Miraculously, the treatment is exactly like my aunt's hand is not exposed to any skin disease. Weird huh?
Jablang land is the guardian of the land, it is possible in tanah2 penunggunya or dikayu2 which may also have penunggunya ... possibilities, the question is still mysterious truth, but a real incident occurs suffered by my aunt.
A year later, the same thing also happened to friends of friends of my uncle (wah complicated huh?) ... Then he peed somewhere, holding a stick, he suddenly felt like a finger bitten by an animal. As a result, a few days later his finger blister also like my aunt just that he just got a finger to expand and grow so much larger than a thumb.
Doctors can not treat it, and way past it had to be amputated finger so as not to spread to the top of the other. Before the amputation, my friend om om organize to meet with me, "Wow, this is just like my friend's wife ... let's try we met him, who knows the disease is the same". After meeting my uncle, he said that the same was true with my aunt disease first.
Finally they brought a friend to Mr Bambang, it is quite difficult and quite severe. Pak Bambang until he fainted briefly when to treat it, and people treated for pain also should be removed by force. This time it is different, because it has been badly pack Bambang pull through foot massage in a very sick and make friends that terkencing2. Then, presto like magic ... the index finger is swollen and peeled like wrapping the index finger behind a smooth lus without any traces include fingernails become like new. Whereas previously the nails have been destroyed as well as with his fingers, as if by magic into a smooth base.
Very strange, but this disease and this is true is the fact that apart from some medical ailment non medical diseases. Until now the disease jablang very mysterious land, because practically non-medical nor because it is caused by jablang land shaped like termites. But if it is seen, that there was such pain trick of the eye removed because when the hand or limb affected are recovered instantly and seamlessly though his skin was already destroyed and berlubang2.
You know the truth? Until now know the truth ... but this is a real case, and I heard the story directly
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